Coaching is all about having a short-term series of conversations to help you find clarity and ways to move forward with your life whether that’s in a personal or professional capacity. A coach isn’t there to give advice or tell you what you should do. Instead as your coach, I am here to hold a safe, non-judgemental space for you and to create a ‘thinking environment’ explore whatever topic you wish to bring. You don’t even have to have a specific goal, sometimes you might just want that space to explore options and think out loud with someone who is completely separate from your day-to-day life.
If you are an individual looking for help with either a personal or professional issue, then coaching could be a great option for you if you are willing to invest in it.
All coaches offer something different, and I may or may not be the right fit for you, but I am happy to have a FREE 20 minute, no obligation Discovery Call with you to find out what you are trying to achieve and whether I think I will be able to help you with that. Before booking a call have a read of Julie's Coaching Profile.
Workplace coaching is a short-term series of conversations to help you find clarity and ways to move forward with your life whether developing skills, completing a specific project, developing your career, gaining clarity on getting the best out of yourself and others and much, much more.
Your coach isn’t there to give advice or tell you what you should do. In fact, one the key advantages of an external coach is that they aren’t bogged down with all the details or the internal politics of the workplace. Instead as your coach, I am here to hold a safe, non-judgemental space for you and to create a ‘thinking environment’ to explore whatever topic has been agreed with your employer.
In the workplace, its more common that there is a specific goal or objective that you are working towards. However, you might be amazed at what else comes out of our coaching conversations. Having the time and space to explore options and think out loud with someone who is completely separate from your day-to-day work can be hugely beneficial.
At hygge associates, we believe that workplace coaching is for EVERYONE, and can help elevate individual and team performance.If you are looking to bring in an external coach to support your team develop and raise performance and awareness levels, please get in touch for a FREE 20 minute, no obligation Discovery Call.
Menopause is another taboo subject that we aren’t afraid to talk about at hygge associates. Menopause isn’t an option, it’s a biological inevitability for 51% of the population. With individuals who typically experience menopausal symptoms being the largest growing demographic in the workplace, then you can’t afford to not find out more about it and educate everyone in your workforce from your front-line staff up to your Senior Leadership Team.
We can also make you aware of the reasons why it’s good practice morally as well as making good business sense. In addition we’ll make you aware of who else it can effect and when, plus many more reasons why you need to support these individuals at work.
Training, group Menopause Mentoring or 1:1 support for individuals
We provide a range of options for individuals who want to learn more and take back control in this inevitable life phase.
Training and workshops for businesses
Business owners, can you afford to lose a quarter of your female workforce? Many women quit every year as they are unable to manage their menopausal symptoms at work. Whether you want training for senior leaders, line managers or all staff, we can tailor our approach in interactive workshops to meet your requirements.
Get in touch to discuss what you need. Please book a
FREE, no obligation Discovery Call to see how we can work together.
Did you know?
In the UK, approximately 1 in 4 of us will experience a common mental health problem in a given year, whilst 1 in 6 will report a problem with it every week*.
Last year, there were 914,000 cases of work-related stress, anxiety and depression in the UK**, which equated to 17 million lost days at work. Those cases accounted for 51% of all sickness absence from work due to ill health.
When we come to work we bring our whole selves, so it’s important to that everyone in the workplace understand Mental Health, what can cause it, what the signs and symptoms might be, how to talk about it and where to signpost people to get help. That’s where Mental Health Awareness comes in.
This topic is for everyone – and although the stigma is reducing, it is sadly still there. As a result when someone is in crisis they are most likely to talk to someone that they trust. That means having everyone in a workplace equipped to have a conversation. People are often worried about this, so our training raises awareness and helps debunk some common myths to take the fear out of it and break down stigma. Julie also adds elements of her own lived experience to bring the training to life, and to prove that you can have a mental health condition and still be a functioning, positive role for good.
Training and workshops
Whether you want training for senior leaders, line managers or all staff, we can tailor our approach in interactive workshops to meet your requirements.
We can offer general mental health awareness or stress awareness courses. Get in touch to discuss what you need. Please book a FREE, no obligation Discovery Call to see how we can work together.
** Source: Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
Mentoring and coaching are terms that are frequently used interchangeably, but do you know the difference?
Whilst a mentor might use coaching in their approach, a coach should never seek to mentor. What they do have in common is that they both involve a series of conversations, and require trust and a strong rapport to be effective.
The key difference in mentoring and coaching is that a mentor will give advice and will be directive whereas a coach won’t give any advice and will be very non-directive. Usually the purpose of mentoring is to help individuals develop in a particular career path, and the relationship is usually more long term. Furthermore, there will be an expert in the relationship who is the more senior and experienced individual (the mentor) and the less experienced individual and one who has sought out the mentoring is the mentee. The purpose is still to enable an individual to achieve their goals, but this may be less task-orientated and more focused on an individual’s development and career progression.
Paul is an experienced business leader and mentor and whilst he is available to mentor anyone he specialises in developing women, particularly those returning to work or moving into a new career. Paul is also an experienced mentor of other leaders, so if you are a business owner or team/department lead looking to create a high performing team then why not book a
FREE, no obligation Discovery Call
to see how we can work together.
Whether you need support on your business operations/structure, change management, facilitating an away day, help with planning a co-creation project or some short-term resource, we may be able to assist.
Together we have a fantastic skill set across in business leadership, change management and operational functions with a combined experience of 55 years’ across a range of business settings, and sectors.
Arrange a FREE 20 minute, no obligation Discovery Call to find out if we may be able to support you achieving your business objectives.